Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese manga and television series, which serves as a sequel to the original Dragon Ballmanga, with its overall plot outline written by franchise creator Akira Toryama. The manga is illustrated by Toyutarou, with story and editing by Toriyama, and began serialization in Shueisha’s magazine V Jump in June 2015. The anime television series was produced by Toei Animation , with individual episodes written by different screenwriters, and aired on Furi TV from July 2015 to March 2018. A theatrical film instalment titled Dragon Ball Super.Broly was released in December 2018.
When Goku and his friends and family and the God of Death get a message from the Lord of all of the Universes for an battle between the 7 universes and the universes that lose will be destroyed Son Goku goes to the Hell where Frieze , the biggest villain in his univers to tell him about the battle and give him
The hell of Frieza
a 24 hour freedom for the battle Frieza agres.
When they arrive at the place of the battle they get shocked by the battle area and the fighters Son Goku was the last that was going to fight with the best of the Univers 5 because tha was the last univers that survived the battle and the univers of Goku of course the univers of Goku is the seventh univers. In that battle Goku transformed in to the best an last supersayian that has ever existed the fight lasted over 9 hours and for Goku the fight was the biggest and most dangerous fight in his whole life an after that fight Goku has to battle the Lord of Universes to save his univers and his family.
Son Goku
Son Goku is a fictional character and main protagonist of the Dragon Ball Manga.
Goku is introduced as an eccentric, monkey-tailed boy who practices marcial arts and possesses superhuman strength . He meets Bulma and joins her on a journey to find the magical seven Dragon Balls that can grant the user one wish. Along the way, he finds new friends who follow him on his journey to become a stronger fighter. As Goku grows up, he becomes the Earth's mightiest warrior and battles a wide variety of villains with the help of his friends and family, while also gaining new allies in the process.
As the protagonist of Dragon Ball, Goku appears in most of the episodes, films, television specials and OVA’s of the manga's anime adaptations Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and sequels Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, as well as many of the franchise's video games. Due to the series international popularity, Goku has become one of the most recognizable and iconic characters in the world.
Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishomoto. It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. The story is told in two parts – the first set in Naruto's pre-teen years, and the second in his teens. The series is based on two one-shot manga by Kishimoto Karakuri , which earned Kishimoto an honorable mention in Shuesha’s monthly Hop Step Award the following year, and Naruto .
Naruto was serialized in Shueisha's magazine, Weekly Shenon Bomb from 1999 to 2014, and released in tankobon book form in 72 volumes. The manga was adapted into an anime television series produced by Pierrot and Aniplex, which broadcast 220 episodes in Japan from 2002 to 2007 the English adaptation of the series aired on Cartoon Network and YTV from 2005 to 2009. Naruto Shippuden, a sequel to the original series, premiered in Japan in 2007, and ended in 2017, after 500 episodes. The English adaptation was broadcast on Disney from 2009 to 2011, airing the first 98 episodes, and then switched over to Adult Swiming Toonpami programming block in January 2014, starting over from the first episode. The English adaptation is still airing weekly on Adult Swim to this day. Besides the anime series, Pierrot has developed eleven movies and twelve original video animations OVA’s Other Naruto-related merchandise includes light novels, video games, and trading cards developed by several companies.
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki is one of the best sharingan users after his master Kakashi.The night when he was born his parents were killed, before they died they left their son to Kakashi and he raised him like he was his son. Naruto kept training every day to get beter and beter , no one knew that naruto had a soulmate the Demon Fox with Nine Tails, the fox with nine tails is the dangeros animal in the whole world , no one knew about him until someone tried to kill Kakashi then he showed the Demon Fox with Nine Tails to save him.Naruto will become a dad one day and he will name his son after his father.
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