one day when I was to the school
I sow a girl is so beautiful
I think for her oll the day
because I was to sey
I look for her everywere
but she sey I DONT CARE
but I but I
I didn t let my love to die
I go in my road alone
now my hart it s just a stone
I was scary for my destiny
for what I am and what expected to be
now my life it s just a maze
I don t know were I go in this cage
every rout it s dark for me
end in this dark I cant see
now you tell me what is good for you
because Iwant to now the true
nou I just have my self
because my life without you is hell
when Iget too far away from here
I belive that with be happiest to be there
the devil destroyed you and me
I will sey goodbyee and never will I see
now greeted all for me
because until the end of my life i can see
now goodbye for oll the time
the wish to be heppy in your life
NAME andi hibroj
Ndalohet rreptesisht ri-botimi i paautorizuar i veprave te postuara ne kete
website neper website te tjera!
Perjashtim ben rasti kur shkruani emrin e vertete te autorit te vepres se
bashku me linkun zyrtar te vepres!
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Dikur e doja,
dhe me donte,
ne sy e shikoja,
ne sy me shikonte
dhe zemra ime vec ate
No love...No life!....
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Heren e pare...
Veq emrin e mbiemrin ta pashe...
Mbiemri i njohur!
Pyeta,kush eshte
pastaj te p...
drejt ardhmerise
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
gjyshja ime
Kam nje gjyshe
Sa me jep
shume dashuri!
Perralla shume
ajo me trego...
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Nene shume te desha
shume te dua.
ti gjeja ti je ajo qe kam me ecmuar
ti je ajo qe ka...
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
"7 Marsi"
Urime 7 marsi
Mesuesja ime.
Te uroj nga zemra
uroj me shume gezime.
Urime per sot...
zemra e debuar
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Kur te pashe ,ne dashuri rash
Beje sikur s'shikoje,
dhe mua me lendoje.
Dukeshe sikur s'me njihje...
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Thone qe dashuria nxjerr
ne pah anet me te mira
te njeriut? genjeshter
perrallat genjejne
As ti...
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
As ti..
Pemet e kishin humbur ngjyren .
Shiu binte harruar nga pak.
Gjithcka kishte nderuar fyt...
Pa ty
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Pa ty bota e humb kuptimin,
pa ty dielli e humb shkelqimin,
pa ty dita nuk errsohet,
pa ty nata n...
"I Them Vetes"
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
I them vetes si ka mundesi te jesh kaq e zgjuar
Nuk e di si do t'ia beja po te mos te te kisha shoq...
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
NENES TIME - pas ikjes se babait-
Vetem ty te kemi o nene!
Por as kjo s'mjaftoka per te provuar
Te dashuroj me gjit...
Lloji: Poezi dashurie
Unazen e dikujt tjeter ne gisht po e mbaj
sa here qe e shoh me mall per ty qaj:'(
ti me mungon per...
Komentet e fundit!
emmily stone
Just saying, there are some spelling mistakes and also i could tell you couldn;t speak english properlyplus you might have used google translate cause i can see the sentence form is not correct
by you dear english teacher ,
just kidding lmao