Data e postimit: 2021-09-08 20:02:08
Shikime: 1477
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Albania won ww1
Albania war ww1
Let me explain
You see the albanians and bulgarians where promised much more land when russia wante dto partion ottoman empires europe
But germany decieed it made russia too op so they made stuff worse and gae the ottomans everything which enraged bulgaria and the albanian pop
So o the albanians conducted a plan before ww1 the albanians sold gravilo prinicips mothers kidneys and organswhich made him sad so he went on a suicide mission with the black hand which they knew would happen since he wanted it to be his ladt suicide mission
Also the gyy driving the car was albanian from bosnia he knew the streets and went to the place where gravilo was eating his sandwich he knew this becuz the guy owning the restaurant was a bosnian albanian in it on the plan who offered gavrilo a free sandwich
The driver comes ot the place ferdinand ks killed ww1 starts
During the war the albanians let the serbian army on purpose and in exchange the serbian prince and heir married an albanian who he was told wa sanother ethnicity
Anyways now j mag think they lost becuz austria invaded but ud be wrong
Albanja let the austrians in
In exhange the new austrian emperor promised there indepandance and land
Secretky tho akvania made a plan with thr allies to just agree to humilate germany and albania doesnt loose any land for them being able to go thrh albania
In the end albania got its revenge
It didnt loose land ot moral unlike everyone else
Thus albania won ww1
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