Data e postimit: 2020-01-26 18:54:55
Shikime: 2332
Do qe te marresh mendimin qe kane shoket per ty?
Do qe te te shkruash mendimin qe ke per shoket?
Regjistrohu tani dhe tregohu i ndershem!
All seasons are beautiful but best of all is Summer. During the summer there is a lot of heat and the farmers go out and work in the fields. During the summer holidays many people and children go to many places of entertainment, entertainment. In summer the days are long and the nights are shortened. Summertime is cool with fresh air and very relaxing. Summers are summer long holidays for all children because they enjoy playing and doing other fun things. After holiday breaks go to school and every day we go to school only on Saturday and Sunday we have a break. Summer is over and the days are getting colder this is autumn with its colder days coming .
Summertime is warm and full of love, during the summer everyone visits beautiful tourist places. Some visit Albania and Montenegro, but some go elsewhere. Summer brings beautiful nature with flowers and greenery, as we all know the day that begins Summer is June 21, and the day ends September 21. During the summer, besides going to tourist places, we also visit our relatives, such as aunts, uncles, aunts, cousins etc. During the summer we have a duty to read something as well. Because the book is man's best friend. This summer I have a birthday. We all come together for my birthday and my twin sister. So, this is how I described the summer season
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