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Data e postimit: 2020-05-06 15:55:21
Shikime: 2715

Likes: 1 Dislikes: 0

Titulli: Essay

Lloji: Ese pershkruese
Tema: The happiest day of my life !
Autori: Elsika Murrizi
Shkolla: Gjimnazi 'Miti Zoi Zaka ' Divjake
Klasa: XI-2
Qyteti: Divjake
E-mail: Email eshte i fshehur!

Do qe te marresh mendimin qe kane shoket per ty?
Do qe te te shkruash mendimin qe ke per shoket?
Regjistrohu tani dhe tregohu i ndershem!

: The happiest day of my life !
What is happiness? Happiness is a challenge, it requires effort, and it has its strong laws: to love yourself very much, to hear, to speak, to respect, to be receptive and not judgmental of others. Persons who accept themselves as they are, even when they are predisposed to change, are happier. Ultimately happiness does not come by itself: some follow it, while others create it.
Happier day, I don't know if I had one, or maybe I forgot . Then, every day of mine is as happy as yesterday, today, last week, last month, last year. For me there is nothing better than every second, every minute, every hour, every day to have a happy moment to remember.
Emotions are strong feelings which come to the fore, only on arousal. Emotions are generally latent in every human being and they are pretty instinctive as compared to logical interpretation or reasoning. Emotions can be positive or negative. Positive emotions such as joy, happiness, thrill always come to the fore when everything is happily moving on and progressing steadily. Negative emotions such like anger, sadness, hatred etc. overcome us when we face conflicting situations. In the words of Vernon Howard, “A clear understanding of negative emotions dismisses them.” Art work has emotions associated with it, too. Various pieces of art like poems, plays, literary compositions, musical composition etc. have several emotions of their creators, associated with them. In this context, the words of Hens Hoffman deserve a special mention. He had said, “A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses and emotions of the artist’s world.”
I miss when I was a child & I didn't care what people thought. I miss when I would never reject my gut feeling. I miss when I would actually listen to my parents explain things. I miss when finding love & best friends was the easiest thing in the world. Most of all, I miss not being insecure. A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.
Happy day was the day my cousin was born, happy day was the day my grandmother bought me a new phone etc etc . I've had many happy days in my life, but in fact I can't choose one and say this is the happiest day of my life. Because I'm at a very young age and I think the happiest day of my life has not come yet . Mind the day I marry the person of the heart, it may be the day my baby is born. This is how it is known, so it is early to decide what is my happiest day of life.

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