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Data e postimit: 2017-09-13 16:04:23
Shikime: 4538

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Titulli: the beautiful of my country

Lloji: Ese pershkruese
Tema: atdheu
Autori: albana
Shkolla: osman myderizi
Klasa: 8c
Qyteti: tirane
E-mail: Email eshte i fshehur!

Do qe te marresh mendimin qe kane shoket per ty?
Do qe te te shkruash mendimin qe ke per shoket?
Regjistrohu tani dhe tregohu i ndershem!

Albania is a land full of surprises and also capable of bemused tourists with skeptical. Facing the mountains and the sea, Albania is a country where you can be left without understanding the culture and its natural sights. For lovers mountain tourism Albania awaits you. 70 km from the city of Shkodra, in the heart of the Albanian Alps is Thethi. He is known for the contrasts of the landscape, waterfalls, dense vegetation, meadows and especially colors. Karasteristike homes in the area, traditional dishes but also many recreational activities make your holidays memorable.

In the north of the country should not leave without visiting Valbona Valley in Tropoje. In hostels Valbona mainly two-storey buildings of traditional style with steep roofs and the tiles rarely, visitors find traditional food, cover seating, and fire to warm. The road to Valbona is a miracle in itself. Fierzë ferry sailing-Koman is a real tourist attraction to anyone who visits Tropoja.

Voskopoja southeast Albania is one of the villages where the culture, traditions and landscape harmoniously unified to give it permanent tourist value. But Albania also matched with the fantastic coastline.

Suffice it to approach the city of Saranda to discover stunning piece Ionian Sea, so that can not regret that indo Caribbean Sea. Beach Palace of Vlora, for example, certainly deserves a long stay. Lying on the bank of the excellent spanning Llogara neck and Saranda, it is characterized by white cottages and small villages, which lie in a golden area surrounded by the beautiful nature. Among the most attractive sites is sucking Kakome, one of the most beautiful marine areas of the Balkan coast. Ionian coast is among the busiest beach Dhërmi. Calm, clean the coast, but also green in some parts of it make the holidays special.

When it comes down to the beach can not resist Dhërmiu a second return. Beach chopped his length bays endless reserves of unexplored areas ever. Jala is another gem that fills mosaic of beaches of the Ionian Sea. But those who love sandy beach Adriatic Sea offers endless possibilities. Among the most special is Lezha Tales beach, an area of virgin considered almost-almost unknown to many angle. Combining stunning mountain views and gorgeous coastline are just some of the beauties that nature has bestowed Albania.

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