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Data e postimit: 2019-05-02 18:09:54
Shikime: 7839

Likes: 3 Dislikes: 6

Titulli: Pershkrimi i Gjyshes

Lloji: Ese pershkruese
Tema: Gjyshja
Autori: Kevin
Shkolla: Mesonjetorja
Klasa: 8a
Qyteti: Korce
E-mail: Email eshte i fshehur!

Do qe te marresh mendimin qe kane shoket per ty?
Do qe te te shkruash mendimin qe ke per shoket?
Regjistrohu tani dhe tregohu i ndershem!

My very important person in my life and always has been, my grandma. She has always just been there for me, and everyone else that is in our family. Also our friend’s. She is what you could call “the rock” of our family she keeps us all up, in our times of hardships. And makes us all laugh when we are having an amazing day. It’s just that she is an all around great person.

My grandmother has worked her way up through her schooling and to go college to get her degree. She has never given up even through the hard times that occurred in the 30’s and so on. It is astonishing that she can keep her head up high and her spirits strong through everything. She just makes me want to keep going and be successful just the same way that she was. It just gives me some sort of motivation and a sense of greater knowledge. Knowing that even though you go through a lot of things you can be very successful, just the way that she was.

It helps me to understand to never give up. Whether it is in school out side of school. Or just in my day to day life all together. Just look to the future not the bad times that are going on right now. But for you to look at the good times that are to come. So it is sort of the way that I live my life. And that’s the way that I wish others would live there’s as well.

My future goals are very important to me. How I want to get to those goals are very important to me as well. Me being able to get through my studies and and getting to that high goal of learning. Is where I want to be with my self very soon. My grandmother went through college too be a nurse, with three kids and another on the way. And she passed and did everything that she possibly could, to make sure that would happen. Which is astonishing to me. Everyone else would’ve just quit and said it wasn’t worth it. But no not my grandmother. Open Document

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Shembull:     Kevin -

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Komentet e fundit!

Komenti: O Kevin. Qenke nje alamet kopjaci. Ej po i ke bere copy paste me. Sa i madh qe je.....

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