I don’t think there is a teenager that doesn’t have a phone now days.Haveing a phone has good and bad points.A mobile phone can be rreally harmless you can limit yourself in using it.Teenagers shouldn’t spend a lot of time in their phone because it can damage you in many ways. One advantage of having a mobile phone is that your parents and friends can always find you, when they need it. In my opinion, parents buy mobile phones for their children for safety,but teenagers use this but teenagers use this to their anvantage.Some disadvantages are that,they can damage your eyes,give you headache,etc.I think that mobile phones make children lazy and sometimes we spend too much of our time with them. In my opinion, mobile phones are sometimes really neccessary but we should learn to control ourselves and mabey gat away for some time and have fun with your friends or your parents too.
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.........."Hala jom i njejti"............
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Komentet e fundit!
Erza Breznica
I am not a teen because i am 12 but i don't have a phone . And i can live without it .: